The idea of raising crowdfunds is by no means novel. Rather, it has been around for decades. Since the evolution of the internet, crowdfunding has become a popular trend. However, the idea of crowdfunding flourished during the Great Depression of 2008. Why so, you may wonder? Well, there was financial uncertainty and as a result, everyone was worried about the unseen future. Since there was no surety about what was to come, people were worried about how they will sustain life and make ends meet.
Apparently, if every next step that you are about to take is uncertain, it is natural for you to doubt yourself. You will often wonder if you are making enough money and likewise, you will think about the future of your kids and loved ones. At this point, you realize that crowdfunding is something that can come into play.

Tim/ Pexels / A look at history tells us that crowdfunding can be very handy during financial uncertainties.
Fast forward to today and crowdfunding is gaining unprecedented popularity. The popularity crowdfunding is gaining after the pandemic is something that was never seen before. Again, the reason behind this popularity is the same. As the COVID-19 pandemic outbroke, the lives of people were at stake. No one was sure about the next moment of life. Likewise, people lost their precious lives and loved ones. Jobs were gone, and mass panic took place. This was not only here in the U.S but throughout the world. Thus, these panicked people looked for solace in crowdfunding. Something that can somehow guarantee a safe and secure future for them.
Nonetheless, it does not stop here. There is more! A looming recession, according to financial experts, awaits us ahead. If that is true, we are simply not prepared for yet another crisis after the pandemic. We can not sustain a financial recession since we are just out of the pandemic.

RODNAE / Pexels / Given the COVID-19 pandemic and the looming recession, crowdfunding is the necessity of the day.
This is what U.S.-based tech startup Philly Startup focuses on. App designers at Philly Startup believe that there is a crying need for an app that can help investors raise crowdfunds.
How Does “This App Saves Lives” Work?
Essentially, the idea behind creating the app called “This App Saves Life” is to raise crowdfunds. Philly Startup founders suggest they aim to raise as much as $1.5 million in crowdfunds.

RODNAE / Pexels / “This App Saves Life” is a user-friendly app aiming to raise $1.5 million in crowdfunds.
On October 8, 2022, the app was launched. If we look at the app’s functionality, it turns out that it is pretty user-friendly. Everyone can navigate through the app – even without any financial background. Thus, anyone can access and use the app and raise crowdfunds.
Since the app is in its infancy, it will be too soon to talk about the app’s success. Only time will tell whether or not the app will help Philly founders to achieve the milestone. But looking at the current situation, there is no doubt about the app’s success.