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Investments & Savings

Where To Invest During Times Of Inflation?

GETTY IMAGES/ ISTOCKPHOTO | Inflation measures how much more expensive a set of goods and services has become over a certain period

Inflation can also be called a silent killer that can erode the purchasing power of an investor’s portfolio, even if the investors maintain positive returns over their years. Rising prices have become an unavoidable fact for life for more investors. While losing the value of your dollar bills can be frustrating, economists consider inflation a sign of a healthy and prospering economy. This is because inflation forces people to spend or invest a small amount of their savings rather than stuff it all in a cookie jar or inside your pillow. However, once inflation spreads throughout the economy, the expectation of further inflation becomes an overriding concern in the consciousness of consumers and businesses. 


Here are expert tips for wise investment steps during times of inflation:














Stocks, historically, have been a good hedge against inflation, some sectors more so than others, so financial planners advise against getting rid of stocks or equity-based funds. Investors own stocks primarily because it helps them earn a return on their investment. When the stock prices rise, it helps them achieve capital appreciation and dividend payments; this is because the stock market’s returns often outpace the inflation rate, which can help slow down or prevent the adverse effects on taxes. Owning stocks in different companies allows you to build your savings and protect your money from inflation and taxes. 


Many companies pay dividends, which are regular payments to shareholders. Not all stocks pay dividends, but those typically do so every quarter. These dividend incomes can help supplement an investor’s paycheck or retirement income. Investing in stocks can also help you earn passive income after retirement or when you lose your job. Companies are best positioned to adjust to inflation since they can pass along the cost increases to consumers, keeping their profit margins intact and their share prices up.