Spectacular Drone Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away!
Photography has evolved immensely since the advent of the electronic age. From digital to cellphone cameras, photography has become easier to do since you see your photo before taking it. This, in turn, has made social media more enjoyable and made selfies a trend.
However, drone photography has changed the game more than anything else. It allows photographers, both amateur and professional, to capture images they never could’ve before: from overhead shots to closeups with dangerous animals. In this story, we’ve gathered both conventional and award-winning photos that are all incredible drone shots you should see at least once in your life!
See What We Mean, Now?
As previously mentioned, it’s essential to avoid private property. Besides jeopardizing your drone, you are also risking legal action being taken against you. That was the case in Sweden when a woman reported her neighbor who allegedly flew a drone and photographed her while sunbathing.
He denied it, and law experts said that the woman may not have a case since he wasn’t “abusively photographing” her or snapping her in her personal bathroom or bedroom. But as a part of Sweden’s tradition of freedom of information, his photos were allowed. He would have to keep them to himself, though, which still seems inappropriate.
A Drowning Drone
Drones are pretty expensive. Although you can find one for as little as $69 on Amazon, the high-quality ones that work better outdoors and have cameras on them can reach prices as high as $6,000. Hell, if you’re really extravagant, you can get one for $45,000.

We reckon this one fell into the expensive bracket since its owner not only dove into dirty water but actually went hip-deep into it first—all to save his beloved drone from drowning. Luckily for him, his effort paid off, saving his machine from the water before it got irreparably soaked.
Aspiring To Be A Pokemon
So there have been cases where people have been hypnotized to quack like ducks. It happens at every one of those hypnotizing shows. But what about a duck trying to hypnotize people? Now that’s something new! However, this duck might actually be trying to be something else entirely.

Maybe it’s trying to be a Pokemon like Psyduck or something. Psyduck was, of course, that unusual Pokemon who always had a headache and made other Pokemon think he was weak because of that. But when that headache got too strong for him, his real psychic powers came out… and they are devastating. He was one of the funnier creatures, though.
An Award-Winning Picture Of A Hero Diver
SkyPixel is a community of aerial photographers who submit their best images for the community’s photo contest once a year. Most of these images are taken with drones, and in 2017, this picture came in second place for the category of professionally shot portraits.

The photo is of Di Huanran, a Chinese waterfall diver in his 60s who has been at it since his 20s. He holds the Guinness World Record for waterfall diving and did this particular dive off a waterfall in Mudanjiang, in China’s Heilongjiang province. Huanran gets paid for doing waterfall dives at the Jingpo Lake resort.
Is This A Scene From Moby Dick?
Contrary to popular belief and the literary classic that is Moby Dick, whales are actually described as placid creatures more likely to swim away from anything that doesn’t look safe to them. All accept Orcas, who have been documented to attack ships. Nonetheless, the whale in this picture looks like it’s following its curiosity.

Speaking of Moby Dick, the book published in 1851 was actually a failure and was out of print when author Herman Melville passed away in 1891. It only gained its classic status when turn-of-the-century writers like William Faulkner and D. H. Lawrence praised it for its story and narrative.
Big Bird’s New Gig? Being A Scarecrow.
Ever seen one of those movies where they show a cornfield with a scarecrow that isn’t actually scaring the crows because they’re chewing corn while sitting on his shoulders. This is a real problem and is often caused by the pest birds discovering that the man in the field isn’t actually a man.

The best solution is to move your scarecrow around, giving the crows an illusion that this guy is on the move and out to get them. Or, you can have Big Bird come in and put him among your crops, making crows believe he’s coming and they need to run away. Genius!
Home Is Where The Plane Is
This is another one of those “How did that get there?” pictures. But this one should be followed by the question, “How are they getting that out of there?”. The real story behind this airplane is that it’s out of commission and is used by photographer and videographer David Kovalenko.

Kovalenko’s Instagram images set this location in Oregon, and based on his Instagram posts, he lives on the plane. At least that is what he implies with the #airplanehome that he uses for his plane posts. Most of his posts are of American Landscapes in Oregon, and he has a professional account showcasing his wedding photography.
Bringing Some Smiles During Quarantine
When COVID-19 put the world on lockdown, Lithuanian photographer Adas Vasiliauskas found all of the work he had lined up canceled. Without work or anything to do, he thought long and hard about what he could create to tell a story through photography and make money as well.

His idea was to take photos of people in their windows and to negate the rules about social distancing, he used his drone to take the snaps. He started out taking pictures of his friends, who permitted him and dressed up for the occasion. His photos took off on social media, and soon everyone was welcoming his drone for a photo.
Welcome To Birds Motel (Not Shot By A Drone)
Dotted across the entire length of South Africa’s Kalahari Desert are these massive birds nests. The weaving birds of the area took ownership of the telephone poles occupying their habitat, and the results are these almost motel-like super nests capable of hosting over 100 pairs.

This photo, and several like them, were snapped by photographer Dillon Marsh, who lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Marsh grew up seeing these nests as a child while on vacation with his mom and dad, deciding to seek them out as a photographic project. Although it looks like it was shot with a drone, they were actually shot with a 4×5 view lens.
Drones VS Big Cats
Okay, so this photographer was definitely smart to send his drone in instead of going for this shot himself. Unlike the previous talk about cheetahs, lions don’t play that same game. As a matter of fact, they appear to have developed a bit of a taste for human flesh.

It is said that man-eaters are animals who have added the taste of human flesh to their feeding preference. According to reports, the most common cases of animals hunting humans include tigers, leopards, crocodiles, and lions. So continue to let the drone take lion photos for you…
Don’t Panic, It’s Just A Portal
At first sight and without proper intel, you could easily believe that this big hole will spawn a Kraken or Cthulu. Yet, it’s actually a man-made structure in a Portuguese dam that serves a specific purpose in this body of water.

It’s called Covão do Conchos and is situated in a lake in the Serra da Estrela mountains. It was created in 1955 and forms part of a hydro-electric dam system, channeling water to another dam called Lagoa Comprida on Flores Island. Most of the population has never seen it, but it has become an attraction for hikers in the mountains.
Aircraft Retirement Home
The Davis-Monthan Air Force base, just outside Tucson, Arizona, has been around for 95 years. Since its construction in 1925, the base and its aircraft have supported America and their coalition allies across World War II, The Cold War, and the three operations the US initiated during the war in Iraq.

One of the base’s primary craft is the A-10 Thunderbolt II, although it also hosts Lockheed EC-130H Compass Call aircraft. It also has the largest storage and aircraft preservation facility in the world called the Boneyard. It’s like a retirement home and spares store for planes and currently has 4,400 aircraft and aerospace vehicles there.
The Gangster’s Giant
Known as The Gentle Giant Who Shares And Cares, this sculpture is the work of a former gangster and convicted murderer named James Boyle. In prison, he left his life of crime behind and learned how to sculpt. Then in 1976, he was approached by the Craigmillar Festival Society.

They asked him to design a sculpture that doubles as a play area. What he gave them was this 100-foot giant, inspired by Gulliver in the story Gulliver’s Travels. Boyle’s life sentence ended in 1991, and he carved out a successful career as an artist and author. The sculpture was sadly demolished in 2011.
You’re Going To Jail For That
Drones have been subject to plenty of controversies, especially around privacy laws. While laws vary from country to country, one thing that remains intact everywhere is that you’re not allowed to damage someone’s drone, regardless of whether you think it’s invading your privacy.

While not related to the picture, a Minnesota man faced felony charges after shooting down a drone in May 2020. This after he saw the drone trying to snap photos of his workplace, Butterfield Foods. The man, named Travis Duane Winters, was charged with malicious damage to property and discharging a weapon within city limits. The drone allegedly costs $1,900.
Prepare The Drone Strike!
Have you ever watched films or TV shows and heard them talk about setting up a drone strike? No, it’s not this. But it does involve unmanned aircraft programmed to attack a specific area with ordinance or kamikaze tactics. This is a way of conducting warfare without losing soldiers.

On the other hand, the picture shows what happens when you think you know how to fly a drone but actually don’t have any clue. This is why people make instruction manuals and videos on Youtube to learn from. Practice also makes perfect so that you’ll never have to traumatize your daughter and leave her needing a haircut.
The Army Getting Comfortable
Here’s another picture from Lithuanian photographer Adas Vasiliauskas, and from the three pics, it looks like these soldiers actually got the memo about his famous drone shots. They go from standing at attention, observing the drone, to taking up a more relaxed position in their deck chairs.

During the COVID-19 quarantine, armed forces were deployed across Europe to help maintain law and order. But the coronavirus has taken a toll on soldiers, with plenty of cases popping up in the army ranks. This is attributed to a lack of resources and an inability to effectively social distance in barracks. Many European army operations have even been scaled back.
Looking at this photo, the first question that comes to mind is, how did that boat get there? From the drone’s perspective, it seems like this section of Hong Kong was built around a huge stranded ship. But it’s actually a mall shaped like a luxury cruise liner called the Whampoa.

How Did That Boat Get There?
The design pays homage to the area, which used to be a dockyard before it was developed into a private housing estate. The complex has over 300 stores and restaurants while also housing an arcade, bowling alley, and a cinema. Some stores inside have names like Pebbles World, Amazing World, and Whampoa Gourmet Place.
The Ultimate Stephen King Scare Fest
You never know what you’ll see in a cornfield, but if it’s this guy, it’s best to turn and run. This is like a mish-mash of Stephen King’s imagination as Children Of The Corn meets Pennywise the Dancing Clown from IT. This is just one incident of a drone capturing strange images, like that of the eerie, ghostly girl with black eyes in England.

On another note… King never intended for Pennywise to be a clown. IT was meant to be the embodiment of every monster movie creature that scared children, but he needed one form to rule them all and went with something most children are scared of… clowns.
Drones VS Big Cats Pt. 1
If there is one kind of animal you don’t want to get too close to, it’s a big cat. That’s why it’s a good thing this photographer sent his drone to get a shot of this Cheetah. If he had been there himself, he would’ve been the victim of this lashing out by the speedy African animal.

Mind you, it is said that cheetahs don’t attack other predators, and due to human height, they would be deterred from coming anywhere near us. But the fact that not many regular people have had close encounters with a Cheetah, it’s better not to take any chances and just keep your distance.
Accidental Roadside Art
It’s always unfortunate when an accident happens on the road, and in truth, this one was pretty devastating because it takes a lot to get a truck to turn over on its side. But sometimes, there’s an artistic mind close by who sees something others don’t and creates a beautiful moment with it.

That was the case when photographer Ilya Martyanov saw the opportunity to send his drone into the sky and capture this magnificent shot. The truck’s yellow color and its load stand out spectacularly against the bland tar road and dim green of the roadside, creating a stark contrast and a magnificent photo.
I See A Little Silhouetto of Two Men…
Dronestagram, another platform explicitly aimed at Drone Photography, is a photo-sharing community where drone photographers share their images with like-minded people. Like SkyPixel, it also has an annual photo contest, and in 2019, this photo was one of the top snaps of the year.

The photo was taken by photographer Qliebin and took third place at the event, lauded for its smart use of perspective and shadow to recreate a walk on the beach using silhouettes. The big trick lies in how the shadow pops, looking like they’re actually walking upright instead of making an impression on the sand.
An Island For Stray Cats
According to stories, this island is reserved only for cats. There’s food for days, and all cats live for free—even stray cats are welcome! Dogs, unfortunately, are not. If you believe anything that was just said, then you’ve been taken for a ride by a bit of photo and story manipulation.

There is no cat-shaped island on this earth, but there is a Cat Island. This island is in the central Bahamas and is actually one of its districts. It has a population of 1,522 people, but there’s no indication of how many cats there are on the island. It was the birthplace of musician Tony McKay, a.k.a. Exuma.
The Biggest Cuddly-Wuddly Bunny Ever!
Imagine having a cuddle bunny so big, it can actually be your bed. Well, that’s what art collecting Gelitin went for when they spent five years knitting this 200-foot long stuffed toy. Its name is Hase, which is German for rabbit or hare, and gained prominence when the google street team went out to the Piedmont region of Italy.

That’s when they discovered this monster of a plaything, which locals have affectionately called Pinky. Apparently, Gelitin decided to place it there so that the locals can feel more joy when they hike the mountains. They say that it will last until 2025, slowly biodegrading into the ground.
Beauty In A Hopeless Place
Las Vegas is known for many things: Casino’s, flashing lights, famous music residencies, and The Hangover film series. But just off its borders, is another reason the city is famous. This time, it has more to do with photography.

The patch of land in this photo is a dry lake bed famous for hosting photo shoots looking for that cracked arid effect. But for photographer Raf Willems, it provided the perfect canvas for one of his aerial shots. In this snap, he uses model Chauntel to contrast the cracked lake bed, making the model’s beauty stand out even more.
It’s Hammer (Head) Time!
Sharks are intimidating no matter what people say. For example, most hammerhead species are small and considered harmless, except for the large and aggressive great hammerhead. But even then, there have been very few attacks by this shark reported.

As a matter of fact, since 1580, there have only been 17 documented cases of hammerhead attacking humans, with zero fatalities. So why on earth are people so afraid of the shark? According to Marine Biologist Blake Chapman, they are scary because humans learn fear as a safety mechanism. Yet, she says, you’re more likely to die by an attack from a canine than a shark attack.
Can’t A Woman Get Her Privacy?
You would think that by being on the roof, you could get away with being bare so that you can give your whole body a tan. But no, with drones around, even being on top of a building doesn’t put you out of sight.

For these reasons, drone privacy laws exist. After all, the device can become a tool for spying and even inappropriate invasion of women’s privacy. While the general consensus is it’s okay to fly in public but not private property, it’s probably best to have a little common courtesy to not stop and stare when someone is tanning on the roof.
Talk About Turbulence
Whenever people fly in planes, one of the biggest fears is it crashing. So just imagine what the passengers on this Pegasus Airlines flight in Turkey must’ve been feeling when their landing didn’t go according to plan. It was a domestic flight from Ankara to Trabzon, and something went wrong at the coastal airport of the destination.

Apparently, the wheels slipped on the runway and sent the plane nose-diving on a cliffside, staring into the Black Sea. At least all the 162 passengers were unharmed and safely evacuated from the aircraft. Luckily, this photographer was also there with his drone to capture this great shot.
Struggling For Bear Necessities
In 2018, this photo won Photo Of The Year at the annual Drone Photography Awards. It was taken by nature photographer Florian Ledoux, who was also Drone Photographer Of The Year at the Siena International Photography Awards. His primary focus is preserving nature, with a particular emphasis on the polar ice caps.

In March 2020, it was reported that the polar ice caps are currently melting six times faster than they were in the ’90s. This leaves animals like polar bears with less and less ice to live on, hence the dramatic photo showing a polar bear stretching to cross from one thin ice cap to another.
Underwater Airplane
Morrison’s Quarry has become a hot spot for Scuba Divers to explore. The quarry, a popular scuba training venue and camping site, is situated in Ottawa, Canada. The place also hosts concerts and festivals and has a very popular bungee jump that has tourists flocking to the region.

But besides being a venue, it also has other diving attractions. One of the main ones is an airplane submerged in the quarry water. There are no details of how it got there, but this drone photo catches it perfectly in all its glory. There is also submarine wreckage deeper into the quarry.
Saltwater Croc Venturing Into The Ocean
So you thought sharks and whales were the most dangerous creatures the ocean has to offer. Well, not in Australia. The continent that is home to some of the most dangerous animals and insects in the world also has a different ruler of the ocean… the Saltwater Crocodile.

They are also present in India and Southeast Asia and are the largest living reptiles in the world. An organization called The Ripper Group has been deploying drones for shark spotting and surf lifesaving in Australia. They have also started doing the same for saltwater crocs, and this picture is one of the times they’ve had a positive sighting.
In My Own Private Island
Many celebrities have their own islands, from Leonardo Di Caprio to Julia Roberts—even Shakira and Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters split the cost on one. But in Alexandria Bay, a little Hamlet in New York, some folks get to live on their own private island whenever the tide is high.

The 1.53-square-mile village is home to an estimated 1,028 people, but that can push towards 15,000 during the spring, summer, and fall when vacationers come in. Roughly half of the area is made up of ocean water, and during spring tides, the high water mark can isolate homes as it did with this one.
A Daredevil In Rio
What if we told you that this isn’t the first time someone has walked a tight rope between hills in Rio de Janeiro? That’s right, this is a common occurrence in the city of carnival and Christ The Redeemer. As a matter of fact, the guy in the picture, Brian Mosby, isn’t even the only guy doing it.

In 2015, a group of youngsters named Ighor Pereira, Mitsu Kawaguchi, and Marcio Cardoso set up a slackline 650-feet high and took turns walking it. Slacklining is a growing sport, and while it’s usually done between trees, more experienced walkers like those we mentioned are pushing boundaries, doing it to the extreme.
It’s Getting Hot In Here
Anyone who has seen the film Dante’s Peak knows that experiencing an erupting volcano isn’t fun at all. But it’s also a pretty spectacular occurrence and one that every human being should get to see—albeit not in person. Thankfully, drones can get up close to these phenomena.

However, it can get pretty hot in these situations, but it’s nice to know that drones can handle a temperature of just over 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, the air temperature around a volcano can get hot, so the drone pilot needs to keep an eye on the heat so that he knows when to bail out at the right time.
Where Fishing Is Life
This photo was another big winner at the 2018 Dronestagram International Drone Photography Contest, coming in second place. The picture, taken by a photographer with the username Zekedrone, showcases a fishing net’s flurry and distance from a boat by a Vietnamese fisherman. The color contrast is also a striking feature of the photo.

In Vietnam, fishing is a leading contributor to the economy. The industry employs millions of Vietnamese, and in the striped catfish trade, there have been 500,000 fishermen and 50,000 farming families involved since 2003. For recreational fishermen, the main fish you’ll find is pangasius catfish, or what locals call Basa.
An Oasis In The Middle Of The Dessert
You know in cartoons when a character is crawling across the desert dying of thirst, and he sees an oasis, but when he gets there, it was just a mirage? Well, in the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, it won’t be a mirage. Instead, it may actually be a natural swimming pool, as discovered by New Zealand traveling duo Expedition Earth.

The depression is one of the lowest points on earth and is one of the hottest places too. The pool itself is 417-feet below sea level and extremely salty. Despite being arid and dangerous due to bandits, the Danakil is still popular with tourists.
Chilling In The Fields
This is one of those photos that just makes you say, “Life is grand.” Taken in the grass banks of the Xiwei Reservoir in Shandong, China, this photo shows off what is an almost perfect spot to just laze around and spend some time in your head, wondering about the meaning of life.

The meaning of life, of course, is to spend more time lying in the grass. However, others visit the Xiwei Reservoir for different activities like fishing in the natural freshwater, going on a picnic, and swimming. But if they discover these perfect beds, they’ll stop what they’re doing and come lay down too.
This Hole Opened Up And Ate A Building
Like the statement “my dog ate my homework,” telling someone a hole opened up in the ground and swallowed your house will probably come across as one of the most unbelievable excuses you can use. But that’s what happened in Guatemala after hurricane Agatha wreaked havoc.

Experts are unclear what caused it, but they believe that a pipe burst caused the ground to decay, resulting in the 60-foot wide and 30-story deep hole. The hole consumed a three-story building, and reports suggest that it could be years before the hole is filled.
A Great Perspective of Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities globally, with 7.3 million people living there. But on the ground, it’s business as usual all the time, so no one actually notices how packed things are in the city. That was until local photographer Andy Yeung saw it from above.

He was on a plane back from Europe when he saw just how congested it looks from overhead. This made him decide to get a better image illustrating this, and he used his drone to get an aerial shot of the densely packed skyscrapers and apartment buildings, proving just how little space there is to move around.
Another One Taken Out
Privacy laws regarding drones vary from place to place, but Drone Life has compiled an easy to use guide via research done by Surfshark. While the research isn’t meant to be used as law, it can act as a guideline. One of the main guidelines for drone users is that they should have a visual line of sight with their machine.

In terms of this photo, this drone gets a little too close for comfort but meets its match in this lady with an incredible arm, knocking it down. Let’s just hope she doesn’t do time for malicious damage to property.
Some Tasty Ducks
Duck is a staple of Vietnamese cooking, with several traditional dishes containing meat from the animal. So it makes sense that they have various duck farms in the country to feed the people and fuel their tourism economy with the delicacies tourists expect to eat.

This is one of those farms, situated in Tuy Hoa City, in the Phu Yen Province of Vietnam. Most of these farms are located close to bodies of water so that the ducks can swim. Judging by how they are parting in the image, it looks like they know they’re about to become tourist food.
Hurricane Heroes
By the time Hurricane Harvey had finished its devastating carnage in Texas and Louisiana, it had left 30,000 houses flooded and millions of vehicles waterlogged. Overall, it had caused an estimated damage of $125 million. This made it the joint costliest hurricane in US history alongside Hurricane Katrina.

Despite laws prohibiting any airborne operations during the hurricane, authorities gave special permission to a handful of drone operators to assess the damage and potentially hazardous issues. Everyone from the fire department to gas companies, and even the railway operators, used drones to evaluate situations.
New York Winter Wonderland
Central Park is one of the most iconic public spaces in New York City. It’s the fifth-largest park in the city, and its 843 acres include a reservoir, a lake, a zoo, and other attractions such as Central Park Mall, Central Park Carousel, and the Ramble and Lake.

The park becomes a wonderland of snow during winter, with the Wollman Rink becoming a popular attraction between October and April. Seen from above by drone photography, you notice not just the park’s scale but also the walkway in the snow that snakes through it, taking you from one magical end to another.
Hurray For Scientific Revelations!
You can send a drone in to get you an awesome pic, but it cannot analyze a Volcano’s behavior. For that, you need a human touch, and that’s why there is a volcanologist in the drone shot. A video on YouTube showcases this specific volcanic activity in Vanuatu, an island in the South Pacific.

Two drones were sacrificed to get the video footage, as they succumbed to the harsh conditions of the volcanic surroundings. Still, they managed to get some much-needed info that allowed explorer and drone operator Sam Cossman and his team to bring back valuable information scientists can use to better understand volcanoes.
A Golden Snap Of The Lotus Temple
Like the Taj Mahal, the Baha’i Lotus Temple in New Delhi is also one of India’s most iconic locations. It is among the most popular tourist destinations in the country and for a good reason. This masterpiece was built in a flowerlike shape, having nine ponds and gardens around it.

If there’s one thing we know about famous tourist spots, it’s that people will take dozens of photos in one visit. Some may go the extra mile and even capture the essence of its beauty from up above. With the availability of drones, it’s a simple task, which this photographer has mastered. What a breathtaking snap!
From A Cape Town Photographer’s Perspective
Photography is not about the quality of equipment used but rather about one’s unique and artistic way of seeing things. Luke Bell from Cape Town, South Africa, is a photographer, videographer, and YouTuber who managed to capture an unusual image with a drone.

While others around Stellenbosch only saw two cows drinking water from a dam, Bell saw the long shadows extending towards the water. He saw the opportunity presented to him and launched his drone to get the perfect picture. The photograph’s creative angle even sent it to the finals of the fourth annual Dronestagram contest in 2017.
Cleaning An Entire City Through Moscow’s Mercury City Tower
Russia is the largest country in the world, and even if you visit, it’s challenging to cover every tourist destination. However, if you’ve ever visited its capital, Moscow, there’s a good chance you’ve seen the Mercury City Tower, which stands 1,112 feet tall.

Even though most people would usually appreciate its fantastic architecture, Alexey Goncharov, a physicist at Moscow State University, noticed something beyond it. While he took some drone photos before work on a fine day, Goncharov saw the industrial climbers cleaning the skyscraper’s windows. With the city reflected on the windows, he felt as if they were scrubbing the whole city.
Red Train Crossing Through Parc Ela
Switzerland is among the most beautiful countries globally, mainly known for its stunning landscapes and ski resorts. The photo above will give you a pretty good idea. It was captured through the lens of a drone flying above Parc Ela during the winter.

As you can see, everything from the trees to the rail tracks is covered in snow. Then there’s this bright red locomotive making its way across the rail bridge, giving the photo a contrasting and magical touch. We’re sure the photographer felt ecstatic after seeing this excellent snap.
Dubai’s Concrete Jungle In A Bird’s Eye View
Since Dubai discovered oil within its borders in 1966, the country has prospered immensely. Within years, vast areas of desert land transformed into hundreds of buildings and highways or a “concrete jungle,” if you will. The photo above was Bachir Moukarzel’s take on capturing its beauty from a bird’s eye view.

You can see the pointy tops of the skyscrapers and a clear aerial view of the city itself. Moukarzel, a Lebanese national residing in Dubai, captured this marvelous image and entered it into Dronestagram’s aerial photography competition and won in the urban category.
Mont Saint-Michel Abbey Emerging Through The Fog
The Mont Saint-Michel Abbey is an iconic location on the tidal island of Mont Saint-Michel. It’s an ancient piece of architecture, dating back to the 10th century. Captured by Deryk Baumgartner using a Mavic Pro, the photo won SkyPixel’s Aerial Storytelling Contest in 2018. Well worth it, don’t you think?

Baumgartner managed to capture the monastery as it emerged from the thick layers of fog surrounding it. In fact, it was timed so perfectly that you could see the first golden rays of sunshine of the day kissing it. A glimpse at this image makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.
Nature Taking Over An Abandoned College
The Republic of Abkhazia is a state in the South Caucasus that lies along the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Its history involves conflict and suffering, triggered by an anti-Georgian sentiment. It resulted in something called ethnic cleansing, where thousands of Georgians were massacred and forcibly banished.

Of course, this period left some noticeable scars in Abkhazia. Thousands of buildings were ruined and are now gradually being devoured by nature. One such abandoned building, which used to be a college in Gali, was captured through a drone as the first light of the day hit.
Hunting In The Deep Blue
When we think about the ocean, it’s usually a relaxing feeling associated with a day at the beach. However, things aren’t always so glorious in the deep sea. There’s a lot of hunting among species going on, which we seldom get to see.

On a lucky day off Monterey in December 2016, while Slater Moore recorded the deep blue ocean, he managed to capture the exact moment when a killer whale (or an orca) was feeding on a Sevengill shark. The picture above is a screenshot from his video footage from that day.
Summer Trim On A Lavender Field
Another Dronestagram win, jcourtial’s aerial capture of the first harvest of a lavender field in Provence, France, secured first prize in the competition’s Nature category. According to the photographer, long hours of patience are behind this photo as he had to wait as the Valensole farmer was ready to begin the harvesting process with his tractor.

It may seem like a simple photo, but its story reflects the months of hard work put in by the lavender farmers, finally ready to reap the benefits. By capturing the straight harvesting pattern from above, jcourtial managed to take away the purple field’s monotony.
Tricking The Eyes
By looking at this photo, you can tell that the photographer Nigel Kwan is a talented one. The image was captured in such a manner that it seems like it’s playing tricks on our eyes. It gives the illusion of a man performing a bicycle stunt by freewheeling down a steep roof. However, that isn’t the case.

It is nothing more than a mind-bending abstract captured from the skies. Kwan was able to get the photo he had in mind with the help of a Mavic Pro. This photo even earned him second place in the Portrait Category of the DJI SkyPixel Photo Contest in 2017.
Hungry Hippos In Tanzania
When Martin Sanchez took a trip to Tanzania a few years ago, he wouldn’t have imagined capturing a photo that is so perfect that it would secure him the first prize in the Dronestagram competition of 2018. Well, this photo, titled “Hungry Hippos,” did just that.

Sanchez referred to it as a big hippo VIP party. Since he didn’t get an invitation, Sanchez decided to sneak a peek from above, and it looks like these literal party animals weren’t mad. In fact, they look like they’re posing for a group photo.
Rock Climbing in Moab, Utah
The American state of Utah is very well known for its mountains. Likewise, Moab City on its east side is famous for the red rock formations in Arches National Park. It’s not uncommon for rock climbers to seek adventure within them, and this photo will show you just how much of a risk they’re willing to take.

This isn’t for the faint-hearted or those with acrophobia (fear of heights) because, as you can see, the climber is way away from the ground. In fact, he is a lot closer to the drone than he is to land. Hopefully, it was a safe adventure.
A Cheerful Canoe Day
If you’re ever in Singapore, canoeing in the Kallang River isn’t something you want to miss. There’s plenty of water activities available—from pedal boating to canoeing to kayaking. This aerial image taken using a drone will give you a literal understanding of the joys of canoeing.

As you can see, the canoes have come together to create what looks like a smiling emoji. Well, it could be a pose or even a lucky coincidence. Either way, the photographer launched their drone into the air at just the right moment to get this rather cheerful shot.
The Impact Of Hurricane Maria
In September 2017, Hurricane Maria terrorized Dominica, St. Croix, and Puerto Rico of the Caribbean. With over 3,000 confirmed deaths, it was regarded as the worst natural disaster to have ever affected those parts of the world.

Puerto Rico was left without power after the severe infrastructural damages it faced. Despite everything you read about or heard on the news, this aerial capture by Ricardo Arduengo gives a daunting view of its aftermath. It was snapped in the west of San Juan, Puerto Rico, on a wrecked road in Toa Alta.
Lobster Breeding Farm In Phú Yên
Upon first glance, this photo may look like a children’s board game. However, it’s far from reality. What you’re seeing here is a lobster breeding farm in the Phú Yên province of Vietnam. The image shows how a bird flying above the waters would view the farm, and it was captured by Trung Pham.

You can see the man-made materials lined up in the water, with a mix of colors giving it an artistic touch. According to Vietnam Net Global, Phú Yên has breeding grounds of 52 square kilometers, producing approximately 1.5 million lobsters every year.
Bird’s Eye View Of Madrid
Looking at this photo, you’d think that it was the work of a professional photographer with years of experience in the field. However, Luis Saguar Domingo was only a 24-year-old who had just received a drone as a Christmas gift from his sister when he clicked this fantastic shot.

Domingo went to Madrid looking for a decent place to experiment with his new toy. According to Travel Away, Spain is the most beautiful country in Europe, which means Domingo had plenty of beautiful landscapes. In the end, he ended up with this perfectly symmetrical aerial image, which wouldn’t have been possible without the masterminds who originally built the city.
The Roman Colleseum With Night Lights
Securing the second place in Travel Away’s list of Europe’s most beautiful countries is Italy. Its capital, Rome, is widely acclaimed for its astonishing ancient architecture. At the center of the Roman Empire are the major tourist attractions: Colosseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain.

You have most likely seen the Roman Colosseum (through photos or bare eyes) at different angles from the ground. However, it’s not every day you come across such a gorgeous nocturnal capture from the clouds. Kudos to Mauri Pagliai for freezing busy Rome in time with this jaw-dropping image that even won a People’s Choice Prize in the Sky Pixel contest.
A Unique Pregnancy Announcement
Thibault Beguet, a photographer from Rennes, Brittany, is a professional drone photographer and film creator for Macareux Productions. He even has a YouTube channel where you can check out his phenomenal work from the skies.

The skilled and creative Beguet wasn’t ready to make a pregnancy announcement with something as common as an ultrasound or a custom-printed onesie. He and his girlfriend put their thinking caps on and came up with this unique idea (inspired by old-school video games) to let the world know of their upcoming parenthood. Everything was set up and ready for a mid-air capture at the beach.
The Golden Sun Shining Above Fort Bourtange
Almost every country has one iconic place that its citizens are proud to let the world know about. In the case of the Netherlands, it’s Fort Bourtange in Groningen. Constructed in 1593, under William the Silent’s command, the fortress currently serves as a historical museum with thousands of visitors every year.

The real beauty and the star shape of the fortress can only be seen from above, where this aerial image will do you justice. It was captured while the sun was still beaming, adding that beautiful golden hue to the photo.
Cliff Diving In Mazatlan, Mexico
As fun as it sounds, cliff diving is a risky sport. While it can allow you breathtaking views and even give you that boost of adrenaline you crave, there’s no denying that it’s dangerous and likely to cause injuries, or worse, death.

If you aren’t someone who isn’t willing to take the risk but is still wondering how things may look like during the jump, then we have the photo for you. Since it’s taken from the sky, this image captured not just a cliff diver doing his business but also the surrounding beauty of the rocks in Mazatlan, Mexico.
A Woman Melting Into The Ocean
Drone photos are quite tricky as an electronic device controls its aviation. However, some photographers are beyond talented and lucky enough at the same time to capture mesmerizing images like this one. This photo is giving the illusion of a woman being dragged into the ocean with the waves.

Clicked by a photographer named Bobo in the Hualien coastline in Taiwan, the woman’s white dress is seemingly blended into the sea. It almost looks like a massive ball gown. Bobo did mention that the colors would’ve been much better had it not been a gloomy day.
A Ruined Pontiac Silverdome
The Pontiac Silverdome was a massive stadium in Michigan, sitting on 199 acres of land. It was built in the ’70s with expenditure exceeding $55 million (equivalent to $321 million in 2019) and was most noticeably occupied by the Detroit Lions of the NFL, among other teams.

Sadly, the photo above does not depict the best of the Silverdome’s days. The aerial image was taken following its permanent closure in 2013, after which it was demolished. It was a sad ending to a decades-old stadium. Amazon Inc. is reportedly planning to develop the site, though.
Unusual Technique Of Inle Lake Fishermen
Flowing in the Shan Hills of Myanmar, Inle Lake is iconic for its fishermen who use a somewhat peculiar technique of catching fish. The tranquility and beauty surrounding the lake attract many tourists every year, and they also visit to catch a glimpse of this unique method.

According to Rustic Travel, the fishermen stand at the edge of their boats, wrapping one leg around the oar to catch fish. It isn’t risky, as many would imagine, as the water is reportedly very shallow. This aerial image gives a good glimpse of three fishermen doing their daily business in the water.
Dreamy Little Italian Village
If this is what dreams are made of, people will opt to sleep all day, every day. Santa Maddalena village is a hidden gem in the South Tyrol province of Italy.

With green plains and hills opening up to the picturesque views, the Odle mountain peaks are every bit as beautiful in real life as it is in this drone capture. If you ever dream of living in a peaceful and beautiful area, this is the place to be. The Santa Maddalena church is an iconic location in this little village.
The Road To Infinity
This photo will initially give you the impression that this cyclist rode his bicycle all the way from the dirt road on top of the mountain. However, that’s far from the case.

Have you heard of image stitching? It is the process of combining multiple photos with overlapping fields of view to create an elaborate final product. The photographer behind this masterpiece used the stitching technique to give the illusion of a long road that bends and stretches to oblivion. What a terrific way to get creative with drone photos!
The Best View Of The Lombard Street
In San Francisco, Lombard Street is often referred to as the “most crooked street in the world.” Why? Because it flows through the Russian Hill neighborhood with eight hairpin turns. Only a photograph captured with a drone can give you a good idea of what it looks like, and voilà!

Lombard Street is one of the most famous tourist attractions in San Francisco and has a visitor count of a whopping two million per annum. Getting across the street on a busy summer day would be next to impossible as it could reportedly be crowded with up to 17,000 tourists.
Boats Form A Petal-Like Formation In Yunnan
China’s Yunnan province may not be a tourist’s go-to spot to visit but seeing this gorgeous photo might convince more people to give it a visit. What you see here are a bunch of fishing boats docked along the coast. Floating close together, they resemble a petal formation.

What’s even more interesting is seeing these boats and their owners in action. You see, fishermen at Yunnan have a special technique for trapping their daily catch. They use trained cormorant birds perched on a wooden pole to pluck fish out of the water.
The Space Shuttle Inspiration Docked At Merritt Island
Living on the Space Coast of Florida means getting to see fascinating sights like these on the regular. This photo of the space shuttle called Inspiration, off the coast of Merritt Island, was captured by a photography duo called 2 Drone Gals. It is just among the many breathtaking aerial photos they’ve created together.

Kim and Makayla Wheeler got to fly over the Inspiration with their camera-equipped drone while it was waiting to be transported to the space center in 2016. The craft never got to make a trip out to space but was slated to be transformed into a learning tool and showpiece.
Gray Whales Approaching Tourists
Talk about getting your money’s worth! During a vacation in Mexico, these tourists on a boat got to experience a thrilling encounter with the local wildlife as a pair of gray whales approached them while on a tour of the San Ignacio Lagoon.

As footage taken by a remote-control drone showed, the gentle giants swam towards the boat one after the other and allowed the people aboard to pet them. The whales are believed to be a 40-foot female and her calf. Safe to say, the tourists paddled away with plenty of stories to share with their friends back home.
Woman Makes A Splash While Chasing Drone
Posing is some people’s immediate response whenever they see a camera, even one that’s boarded on a flying device. Take this tourist, for example. Although there was a French castle right in front of her, she chose to chase this drone to stay within its frame instead.

Her attempts at getting its attention didn’t end well for her, though, as she took a misstep and fell into a pond. Luckily, her friends were just close by and helped get her out of the water. She did kind of got what she wanted— well, sort of— as the drone captured the embarrassing moment on video.
Acro Yoga And Drones Don’t Mix
Since they’re practicing their acro-yoga moves, this couple probably thought it was appropriate to capture their poses with something that flies in the air, too. Let’s say they got more than they asked for when this drone took a nosedive as they were getting into the bow pose.

This is definitely the kind of incident that authorities are trying to prevent when they discouraged operators from flying directly over people. But no worries, both the woman and the DJI drone survived the crash just fine. The person in control of the device might want to get more practice before attempting this again, though.
Sunbather Chases After Peeping Drone
Imagine this. It’s a fine, sunny day. You head out to your building’s rooftop to sunbathe in private and enjoy the warm weather. Then you hear a whirring sound. As it turns out, a drone has been sneakily taping you without your clothes on. We bet you’d be as angry as this woman, too, had this actually happened to you.

A similar thing happened to a woman in Germany. But instead of chasing after the drone, she went straight to its operators and even lodged a complaint against them for invading her privacy. This is only scraping the surface of the many incidents involving the misuse of drones in the country.
Pet Owner “Walking” His Dog Biscuit
Who knew the D in DJI stands for dogwalker? Well, at least it does in this pet owner’s vocabulary. Perhaps feeling lazy about walking his dog Biscuit the regular way, he thought of a more exciting way to do the chore.

Well, he didn’t anticipate that things would go south— or should we say north?— when he lost control and sent his pet flying off into the horizon. There are some doubts about the veracity of this video, though as hobby drones can only carry a weight of up to five pounds. Let’s hope the footage is somehow fake for that poor pup’s sake.
Dog Tries To Grab Low-Flying Drone
Now, here is a much safer way to walk the dog while also practicing your flying skills. Since little Spike would chase just about anything, why not let them come after your drone instead of a stick? That’ll surely give your pet its daily dose of exercise.

However, it would help if you also kept in mind that your dog won’t be the only canine interested in your flying device. A drone operator in Australia learned this the hard way when their gadget landed in the backyard of a home where it was mauled by two dogs.
Ducking Right In Time To Avert Disaster
Thank heavens this woman has great reflex! If she didn’t, we’re afraid her hair wouldn’t be the only thing disheveled when this low-flying drone scraped against her. Sure, the little flyers may seem like a harmless toy, but they can do some serious damage, too.

During a pride parade in Seattle in 2015, a woman was knocked unconscious when a crashing drone, which weighed just two pounds, made a landing on her. Fortunately for the victim, there was an off-duty firefighter nearby, who came to her rescue and treated her injuries.
A Drone Trick Gone Wrong
Drone technology is constantly evolving, leading to developments like first-person viewing or FPV to enhance the flying experience. This feature allows the operator to see what their drone sees in real-time and helps them control the flight path better. But that doesn’t make the entire setup foolproof.

Imgur user jamieco knows this from experience. Despite flying with FPV, he still failed to pull off drone tricks without a hitch. Thus, he ended up hitting himself with his gadget during his attempts. He had a sense of humor about it, though, and even shared this hilarious GIF of the incident.
The Cutest Pilot Around
A lot of people are still wary of drones and the potential dangers they bring with them. Seeing this cute pug flying on one might be what they need to get on board. Whose day won’t turn brighter after coming across something as adorable as this?

What’s more, drones have proven to be useful, especially in animal rescue efforts. An engineer from India even found a way to customize his six-rotor drone to save a puppy stuck in a hard-to-reach drain. The mission was a success, and the man went home with a new pet, which he aptly named Lifted.
Family Shoot Ends In A Nosedive
Given how busy people can be, the holidays may be the only time the whole family can get together in a year. So, when it rolls in, people like YouTube user Ben Kolber are determined to document it as best as they can.

For him, this meant taking his drone out and taking a next-level family photo once the Christmas gifts have been exchanged. His efforts fell short, though, as his device took a nosedive right on a poor kid’s face. Luckily, the victim turned out fine and even loved the resulting video.
A Water Lilly Garden In Vietnam
Water lilies are aquatic flowering plants that give the most beautiful and vibrant blossoms in tropical climates. Particularly famous in Asia, it’s the national flower of countries Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The mesmerizing picture above, however, was taken from Vietnam.

A photographer launched a drone above this lake in Vietnam and managed to capture this astonishing photo. As you can see, a lone worker submerged in the water is retrieving these beautiful long-stemmed purple flowers and collecting them in a bunch. Perhaps selling water lilies is part of this person’s livelihood.
Unseen Clicks Of Florian Ledoux
Florian Ledoux is an award-winning photographer whose portfolio mostly consists of snowy/wintery/ice-themed photos. His passion for preserving nature has him exploring the Arctic to shoot the unseen sides of the world. Now, you can see for yourself. The ice formation photo above was captured in a remote part of East Greenland during the winter.

Photographing remote locations comes with its fair share of challenges. For instance, Ledoux revealed that his drone was once attacked by two gyrfalcons. His website contains landscapes and wildlife photos of Antarctica and the Arctic, including ones from Iceland and Greenland.
Smoking Mountain Of Ethiopia
Erta Ale is a shield volcano in Ethiopia’s Afar Region, active since the 1870s. Its last eruption kicked off in 2005, killing livestock and forcing evacuation on residents nearby. Even though humans can’t get closer to an erupting volcano, the invention of drones has helped capture stunning images.

Take the photo above, for example. You can see how close the drone got to the lava lake, which, according to Volcano Discovery, was first discovered in the ’60s. Perhaps the constantly boiling lava originated the alternate name “Smoking Mountain” for the volcano.
A Sweet Moment Between A Mama Whale And Her Calf
Whales are one of the largest aquatic species in the world. In fact, the blue whale is the biggest being among all animals on both land and sea. Drones are one of the recent technological developments that have allowed whale researchers to acquire more accurate measurements of these giant sea creatures.

The image above, captured in Sydney, Australia’s deep waters, shows an educating and adorable picture of a mother whale accompanying its calf. Experts can read into their relationships with behavioral observations as such. There’s nothing wrong with harmless research from a distance, after all.
The Autumn Beauty Of Romania
Romania is known as the home country of Vlad The Impaler, the famous Voivode of Wallachia and a Romanian hero. His story is also said to have inspired the name of Bram Stoker’s famous vampire count Dracula. But Romania is about a lot more than vampires and history.

As a matter of fact, when you look at this phenomenal drone shot of a Romanian forest in the fall season, you’ll see what more the country has to offer. Not only does photographer Călin-Andrei Stan capture the winding mountain road, but he also gets the stunning, technicolor magic of the fall trees in the Bogota Forest.
Overhead Christ The Redeemer Of Rio De Janeiro
The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janeiro is one of the world’s most iconic landmarks. From 1922 to 1931, it took engineers nine-years to complete the construction of the 98-foot high figure with its 92-foot wide arm span.

The masterpiece sits at the top of a 26-foot pedestal, has 220 steps leading to it, and attracts two million visitors a year. Most photos of the statue are from the side or as a landscape from afar. But one creative drone pilot got this new perspective, catching the Christ the Redeemer looking over his subject while they clamor below in awe.
The Theme Park That Closed and Never Reopened
The Six Flags amusement park, previously known as Jazzland, was decimated when Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005. It is said that most of the flat rides were covered in water and the park also took extensive damage due to wind and rainfall.

However, the saddest fact is that 15 years after its devastation, the venue is still in a state of disrepair. The Six Flags company actually let it go after labeling it a loss and trying to get out of the 75-year lease. The state of New Orleans took over, and although they had several plans, including reopening it by its original name, nothing has come to fruition.
A World Above Clouds
This is a pretty spectacular shot of the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi. It was taken by an amateur photographer called fcattuto, earning him the top spot in the travel category of the 2016 Dronestagram Photo Contest. The photographer claims that the entire shot was driven entirely by instinct.

It was the day after Christmas, and he and his girlfriend were taking a stroll on a misty afternoon. He decided to take his drone up to see what was above the fog, and when he broke the cloud line, he saw this perspective of the church. He then quickly snapped some shots before sunset.
A Desert Resort
Trees are such a rarity in the desert that city planners in the UAE decided to preserve this one in the Al Qudra desert by splitting the left side road to go around it. The desert may be barren, but as with everything the Emirates do, they put land to fair use by building useful things.

In this instance, they built the Al Qudra Lake, a man-made lake built to add more life and color to the desert. Besides overnight camping facilities, it is also home to over 130 species of birds, making it a superb spot for birdwatchers to pass the time doing what they love.
Three Simple Colors
When it comes to drone photography, color, contrast, and innovative use of the subject are essential to creating a great shot. So while this shot looks simple enough, the distinction between the green grass and the dark burnt land not only allows the red umbrella to pop even more but actually gives perspective to the two sides.

Although unrelated, the red umbrella is also the symbol for the Red Umbrella Project, Which is a New York-based company aimed at giving a voice to adult film workers and escorts, who are often subject to oppressive working conditions and agreements. The organization was founded by writer, activist, and former escort Audacia Ray.
Ready For Summer
For many coastal towns, the summer represents an opportunity to make some cash and grow the economy through tourism. That obviously means that everything needs to be perfect for when the tourists finally do arrive. That is precisely what was happening on this beach in the coastal city of Massa, Italy.

Like seats at a cinema, these deck chairs, umbrellas, and towels are laid out in perfect symmetry for visitors to just find a spot and settle down with as little admin as possible. Still, it is set out to have enough space for people to move freely towards the ocean to take a dip.